Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where to Start???

Well we are back! What a fun awesome and exhausting trip. I can not remember the last time I just focused on having FUN! We did so much and I have sooo much to write about! BUT I am exhausted! So more to come on DISNEY! when I get the pictures uploaded! But to me the funniest story from our whole trip!.....

We were at Lion King the Show and Ethan and I were sitting next to an older couple. They were very friendly and really into talking to Ethan. The old man was asking Ethan lots of different questions, how old are you, where are you from, is that your sister? and he answered every one...Well there we sit and Ethan decides to pull his right hand up into his shirt sleeve. He looks at the man next to him and says "HEY, where did my ARM go". The man looks down at him and says "I don't know, where did mine go?".....YES, the man was an amputee!!!! The man's wife and I were laughing so hard we were crying. The man looked at Ethan and said "mine is in a factory in Michigan". VERY FUNNY and Ethan really had no idea what we were all talking and laughing about.

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