Saturday, September 13, 2008

Daddy, I go Pee-pee potty!!

Yep! She did it! Miss Emelia told me she had to go potty, which she has been doing for weeks in hopes of a mini m&m reward BUT this morning she DID IT! We called Daddy, who was out golfing, to tell him right away and the above is what she said! We did the peepee on the potty dance and cheered and I hope this means we are on our way! I AM SO EXCITED! Mommy danced and cheered for her sanity, no more dirty diapers, money back in my pocket, no more trips to buy diapers at BJ's, NO MORE DIAPER BAG and then...wouldn't you know it, TWO poopy diapers while we were out this morning. Okay, I guess I can't get too excited YET!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Yay for Emelia!!!!!!