Friday, September 26, 2008

2 year olds!

Emelia had her 2 year old check up and shots today! I was not able to go but Daddy took her and she did great with her shots. She is one healthy little chick! She is 28.8 pounds and 35 1/4" long! Still in the 90%!
Some things that she is doing now:
*Turning the channel on the remote so Ethan gets mad!
*Telling Mommy to "relax" (at the appropriate times I might add)!
*Flirting with any male that will look in her direction...and staring them down until they do look in her direction!
* Carrying her purse(s) Grandma Joan bought her..oh and her keys and pink cars and sunglasses and baby and anything else she can get into her hands and still try to get into bed with!
*Telling me she has to "change" her baby 10-15x on every car drive
*Smiling all the time
*Wanting to be tickled
*Always looking for Daddy
*Saying Mrs Hines (her new teacher at Pre-school)
*Saying 7 word sentences
*Making my day...with all the things she does!

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