Monday, January 12, 2009

Abigail Mae

Just found out that Abigail Mae will make her enterance on February 2nd and that Mama Aunt Jana is pretty big(her words not mine) and can't wait for her to show up. BUT she cant come too soon...Daddy Mark is in charge of the Border Patrol Color Gurad in the Inaugeral Parade for Obama next week!!! We'll have to see if he is on TV!!

Nonny & Sherwood Were Here!

Nonny (Garret's mom) and Sherwood were here over the weekend. Emelia does not remember Nonny so it was nice that she got to meet her and can now remember who she is. Sherwood is Nonny's fiancee. They are on their way to Florida for 3 months as they have decided to leave the snow and gloom of Buffalo to become snowbirds in Tampa. Maybe we will get the chance to visit them and Garret's Grandpa and Betty sometime when they are there! We went to Discovery Place on Saturday and out to dinner on Sunday. Other than that we had a nice relaxing visit!

Last Thursday was a real windy day around town and unbeknowst to me we had several little tornados in the area (DID ANYONE ELSE KNOW THIS OR WAS I IN A CAVE THAT DAY????) Anyways, 6 foot of my parents chimney flew off, yes, I said flew off thier roof and landed on thier back porch. Needless to say the insurance adjuster said they needed a new roof, and of course a new chimney. Well good, that will help them sell it when they find that bigger house they want!

ONLY ONE MONTH TILL DISNEY!!! (But who's counting!)

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Well, its back to work tommorrow! :( Yeh, I am REALLY sad! We have had a fast and furious 2weeks.....Christmas, grandpa and grandma T were here, new years, movies, visits to grandma and grandpa grey, organizing all the new toys,de-babytizing parts of the house, 1st play date (outside of our neighborhood friends :) ) and more. I will get the pictures up soon but Christmas was really awesome this year!
Ethan had his 4 year old visit just before Christmas. He is now 441/2" tall and weighs in at 47 pounds. All other developmental items seem in check! He is as usual in the 95% for weight and over the 100% for height! YIKES! No surprise as we have gone through 2 shoes sizes and 1 clothes size since the very end of August!
Well, Nonny and her fiancee will be here this weekend so I am sure I will have lots to write about after their visit. nonny has never seen Miss EMELIA!!!!

A parting discussion between Ethan and I today:
Mom: "What's your name?"
Ethan: Tommasulo
Mom: What's your moms name?
Ethan: Jean
Mom: What's your dads name?
Mom: What's your sister's name?
Ethan: SWEETIE!!

Do you ever think that will happen again?